Pecoe, hailing from the west coast of the "Land Down Under" Australia, began his love for electronic music in the early 1990's

Frequenting his local nightclubs in Perth and cementing himself in the underground rave scene at that time. He soon got his first pair of cheap and nasty turntables at the local electronic store and began to collect vinyl records....

Fast forward the the early 2000's and Pecoe had found Nu Skool Breaks (and better equipment). In the mid 2000's he began experimenting with DAW's and producing elementary breakbeat music with little knowledge. In 2007 he began his blog "Breakzlinkz" a place where he shares the lastest and greatest breakbeat DJ mixes around. In 2013 he released his first EP "Dance Everybody" through the Relative Dimensions label and so began his career into the world of music making.

Of late Pecoe's music has graced such labels as Gritz & Gravy, Breakbeat Paradise Recordings, Fort Knox Five Recordings, Big Fat Mama Beats and Cuttin It Fine Records. His music has also been aired on various podcasts and radio shows across the world such as the Craig Charles Funk and Soul Show. Gathering a large following on Soundcloud and well known for giving away free funky tracks the future looks bright for Pecoe.